Monday, February 16, 2009

Day 2:

I wonder if I'll be posting everyday...

Anyway to sum it up:

- got my sim card, so I have a Chinese Phone (souvenir!?)
- went to my first bars (2 of them) in Shanghai
- had lunch at a homestay family...everything here is like either really modern, or like really crap like on one side its modern, the other side of the street its not

I shoulda brought my camera to these things, but I always seem to forget...GAHH!!!!

Anyway, couple more days of this NSOesque mess before the real "school work" begins. Can you believe that they only have school M-Th and class usually starts at 1pm!? WTF!



  1. I want to see pictures of the food!

    Also, 1pm? WTH!? We should do that here!
